
Pour tous les amoureux du livre d'art
Librairie Couleur du Temps, Paris
[Bauhaus] BAUHAUS MASTERWORKS. New World View, " Masterworks " - Michael Robinson
  • [Bauhaus] BAUHAUS MASTERWORKS. New World View, " Masterworks " - Michael Robinson
  • [Bauhaus] BAUHAUS MASTERWORKS. New World View, " Masterworks " - Michael Robinson

[Bauhaus] BAUHAUS MASTERWORKS. New World View, " Masterworks " - Michael Robinson

Flame Tree Publishing
(Code: 9781786645432)
28,00 EUR
18,00 EUR
" Bauhaus inherited the mantle of beauty and craftsmanship from the Arts and Crafts movement of the late 19th Century but was founded on geometric principles, associated with Art Deco and firmly rooted in the challenge of modern production methods.

Kandinsky, Klee, Franz Marc and Laszlo Moholy-Nagy taught at the Bauhaus school – created by Walter Gropius in 1919 and closed by the Nazis in the early 1930s – which influenced a wide range of design, from buildings to typography, furniture and painted forms.

This luxurious new book explores the origins and extensive influence on the contemporary art and architecture. "

Plus de 150 illustrations en couleurs in-texte, à pleine page et à fond perdu.

Outre les artistes cités plus haut, signalons Marcel BREUER, Theo van DOESBURG, El LISSITZKY, Oskar SCHLEMMER, Marianne BRANDT, Mies van der ROHE, Josef ALBERS


Londres, " Masterworks ", 2017, 29,6 x 28,6 cm, cartonnage et jaquette illustrés (Suprematistic, L. MOHOLY-NAGY, 1923), 192 pages.

TEXTE EN ANGLAIS sur deux colonnes

librairie couleur du temps, flame tree publishing, allemagne, weimar, bauhaus, bauaus, école, enseignement, mouvement, architecture, arts appliqués, design, photographie, costume, danse, hannes meyer, mies van der rohe,