
Pour tous les amoureux du livre d'art
Librairie Couleur du Temps, Paris
[KOONS ] JEFF KOONS - Alison Gingeras et Eckhard Schneider. Catalogue d'exposition du Kunsthaus Bregenz (KUB, 2001)

[KOONS ] JEFF KOONS - Alison Gingeras et Eckhard Schneider. Catalogue d'exposition du Kunsthaus Bregenz (KUB, 2001)

Walther Konig
(Code: 9783883755151)
(1 Article(s) en stock)
40,00 EUR
25,00 EUR
Publié à l'occasion de l'exposition présentée par le Kunsthaus Bregenz (KUB, Musée d'art de Brégence) à Brégence en Autriche, du 18 juillet au 16 septembre 2001.

" All works shown in the exhibition from the three series Celebration, Easyfun and Easyfun - Etheral are illustrated in color and large format (40 illustrations). The illustrations are supplemented by numerous illustrations of works not exhibited from the three series. The series of works the Mirror is illustrated for the first time in its entirety in a catalogue. "

" The man who enshrined a hoover vacuum and a basketball, who created a life-sized polychromed wood replica of Michael Jackson and his pet chimp Bubbles, who transfered his sex life with Italian porn star wife Ilona Staller into art, and who made a monumental topiary sculpture in the shape of a puppy, is back !

After a seven-year hiatus from the public eye, bad boy Jeff Koons returns in this comprehensive and overdue survey of his work of the past five years. Three elaborate, highly-produced series are presented, including the joyously effusive Celebration, an ambitious body of 16 photo-realist paintings and 20 stainless steel sculptures that draw upon the symbols and objects associated with the observance of life's festive rituals. "

85 reproductions dont 60 sont en couleurs

Introduction de Eckhard SCHNEIDER

Brégence, Kunsthaus Bregenz et Cologne, Walther Konig, 2002, 24 x 28 cm, cartonnage, jaquette illustrée, 140 pages.


librairie couleur du temps, walther konig, koons, kouns, coons, couns, plasticien, sculpteur, sculpture, kitsch, néo-pop,