
Pour tous les amoureux du livre d'art
Librairie Couleur du Temps, Paris
[PETERS] JOCK PETERS. The Varieties of Modernism. Architecture and Design - Christopher Long
  • [PETERS] JOCK PETERS. The Varieties of Modernism. Architecture and Design - Christopher Long
  • [PETERS] JOCK PETERS. The Varieties of Modernism. Architecture and Design - Christopher Long
  • [PETERS] JOCK PETERS. The Varieties of Modernism. Architecture and Design - Christopher Long
  • [PETERS] JOCK PETERS. The Varieties of Modernism. Architecture and Design - Christopher Long

[PETERS] JOCK PETERS. The Varieties of Modernism. Architecture and Design - Christopher Long

Bauer and Dean Publishers
(Code: 9781735600116)
En Stock
62,00 EUR
25,00 EUR
" Christopher Long, auteur de monographies fondamentales sur Adolf Loos, Kem Weber et Paul T. Frankel, s'intéresse ici à l'architecte et designer méconnu Jock Peters, figure largement oubliée du premier modernisme de Los Angeles.

Cette étude d'une grande richesse visuelle est également un portrait intime d'un architecte qui, comme beaucoup d'autres, a lutté pour établir sa carrière au cours des premières décennies du XXe siècle, des années ravagées par la Première Guerre mondiale et la Grande Dépression.

(...) Cette importante étude sur le début du modernisme comprend des documents jamais publiés provenant des archives personnelles de l'architecte, toujours entre les mains de la famille. Ces images remarquables et inspirantes - plus de 250 photographies historiques, gravures, aquarelles et dessins - ainsi que le récit perspicace de Long démontrent comment Peters, malgré sa mort prématurée, a réussi à laisser son empreinte sur le paysage moderniste de la Californie du Sud à une époque où le nouveau style émergeait à peine. "

" Christopher Long, author of seminal monographs on Adolf Loos, Kem Weber, and Paul T. Frankel, turns his attention to the little-known architect and designer Jock Peters, a largely forgotten figure of early Los Angeles modernism.

This visually rich study is also an intimate portrait of an architect who, like too many, struggled to establish a career during the early decades of the 20th century, years ravished by World War I and the Great Depression.

Among Peters's early works in Germany are designs for the Levantehaus and Karstadt department stores
, an innovative design dated 1916 for a magnificent glass pavilion, and his work for Peter Behrens after the war, but the architect's most accomplished and compelling work came after 1922 when he settled in Southern California. Most notable are the strikingly lavish and elegant commercial interiors Peters designed for the iconic Bullock's Wilshire store in Los Angeles and the tragically forgotten Hollander department store in New York City; both projects brought him international recognition.

This important study on early modernism includes never before published material from the architect's personal archive, still in family hands. These remarkable and inspiring images-more than 250 historic photographs, etchings, watercolours, and drawings-alongside Long's insightful narrative, demonstrate how Peters, despite his early death, managed to leave his mark on the modernist landscape in Southern California at a time when the new style was just emerging. "

Jock PETERS, Jarrenwisch,1889-1934

New York, Bauer and Dean Publishers, 2021, 21,6 x 26,7 cm, cartonnage illustré, 304 pages.


librairie couleur du temps, bauer and dean publishing, peters, piters, allemagne, amérique, états-unis, architecte, architecture, design, designer, modernisme,