
Pour tous les amoureux du livre d'art
Librairie Couleur du Temps, Paris
SEHN SUCHT. Chefs-d'œuvre de la Collection Michael Horbach - Edité par Hans-Michael Koetzle
  • SEHN SUCHT. Chefs-d'œuvre de la Collection Michael Horbach - Edité par Hans-Michael Koetzle
  • SEHN SUCHT. Chefs-d'œuvre de la Collection Michael Horbach - Edité par Hans-Michael Koetzle

SEHN SUCHT. Chefs-d'œuvre de la Collection Michael Horbach - Edité par Hans-Michael Koetzle

Kehrer Verlag
(Code: 9783868287837)
En Stock
44,00 EUR
25,00 EUR
" Michael Horbach has ambitious plans : with the help of photography, he strives to make the world a better place. This may sound foolhardy in the face of global crises and conflicts, but Michael Horbach remains firm in his convictions – concretely with his spatious Kunsträume (Art Spaces) in Cologne, a dense program of exhibitions, and grants for younger artists, especially from Africa and Latin America, whose works adress critical issues of contemporary society.

Michael Horbach also supports contemporary photo art in his role as a collector, whereby his interest is directed towards photographic works that strike a balance between formal and aesthetic excellence and a humanistic statement.

The comprehensive volume presents for the first time profound insight into a collection compiled with great commitment and which stands out not least of all by also featuring works by lesser known photo artists. Michael Horbach collects persistently against the grain, opening our eyes to positions often overlooked in our latitudes. "

115 photographies

Photographes représentés :
Juan Carlos Alom, Sà Bauer, Pep Bonet, Raúl Cañibano Ercilla, Arien Chang Castán, Hernán Díaz, Thomas Dorn, Miquel Frontera Serra, Flor Garduño, Frank Gaudlitz, Jan Grarup, Catalina Guiard Oliver, Hans Peter Jost, Alberto Korda, Lucana, Pierrot Men, Bill Perlmutter, Beat Presser, Cristina García Rodero, Sebastião Salgado, Alfredo Sarabia (sén.), Alfredo Sarabia (jún.), Martin Steffen, Marcos Zimmermann.

Heidelberg, Kehrer Verlag, 2017, 21 x 24 cm, demi-toile bordeaux, plat cartonné à illustration contrecollée, 180 pages.


librairie couleur du temps, kehrer verlag, horbach, collection, collectionneur, photographe, photographie,